[omniORB] OMG Days
Roberto Zicari
Sat, 29 Jan 2000 00:10:31 +0100
NEW OMG Info Days 2000.
Dear Colleague,
LogOn Technology Transfer, together with the Object Management Group
(OMG), is proud to announce the new series of OMG Information Days on
"CORBA in the Enterprise" for 2000.
The upcoming events will feature the following topics " CORBA 3.0, CORBA
Component Model, CORBA & WAP, UML 1.3 and Enterprise Application
Integration with CORBA".
Copenhagen, March 13, 2000
Oslo, March 14, 2000
Stockholm, March 15, 2000
Helsinki, March 16, 2000
Amsterdam, March 21, 2000
Brussels, March 22, 2000
Paris, March 23, 2000
Zurich, March 27, 2000
Munich, March 28, 2000
Milan, March 29, 2000
Madrid, March 30, 2000
Each one-day event will consist of a conference and an exhibits.
To register and for the full conference programs, please visit our Web
site: http://www.ltt.de/omg.html
The event series is owned and managed by LogOn Technology Transfer,
sponsored by the OMG and supported by the OMG Mainland European office
(Genesis Development).
Please distribute this announcement as you see proper.
Best Regards
Roberto Zicari