[omniORB] boa & poa
Bruce Visscher
Tue, 11 Jul 2000 18:32:55 -0400
Caveat: I am a POA newbie myself.
> With BOA, one could issue a non-blocking "impl_is_ready()":
> ex. _boa->impl_is_ready( 0, 1 ); // 1 means non-block
> Is there an equivalent w/ the (omniORB) POA?
I think the answer is that there isn't an equivalent call but neither is
there a need for it.
I.e., you don't block as a side effect of starting something up. You
only block if you want to, which you would by calling orb->run(). If
you don't want to block, you just don't call orb->run().
OTOH, to remain portable you should have code like:
if (orb->work_pending())
somewhere in a loop (probably the main thread) if you don't call
orb->run(). Apparently, on omniORB these calls do nothing.
Bruce Visscher visschb@rjrt.com