[omniORB] Newbie Documentation question

Bruce Visscher visschb@rjrt.com
Mon, 22 May 2000 11:00:16 -0400


Personally, I would recommend sticking with Henning & Vinoski regardless of
whether you go with 3.0.  It is a good book which actually makes some sense out
of the somewhat idiosynchratic (IMHO) C++ mapping.

Even if you decide to deploy on 2.8.0, a lot of Henning & Vinoski still applies.

Having just read the chapter on the POA, though, one thing that concerns me is
that the POA seems to rely heavily on the assumption that there is an interface
repository available.  If an application uses only omniORB (which doesn't have
its own interface repository), what does the concept of persistence vs transient
really mean?

Bruce Visscher

Barry Roberts wrote:
> I just started using OmniORB 2.80 last week.  I decided I needed a better
> CORBA book, but the best one I could find (Henning/Vinoski) covers POAs, but
> not BOAs.  My question is, if I'm looking at deploying an ORB within 6
> months should I try to find an older book or switch over to the omniOrb 3.0?
> In other words, what is the state of 3.0?  And 3.0 has POAs, right?
> Thanks,
> Barry Roberts

All generalities are false - including this one.

Bruce Visscher                                        visschb@rjrt.com