[omniORB] build warning : does it matter?

David Riddoch djr@uk.research.att.com
Tue, 10 Oct 2000 21:46:35 +0100 (BST)

Hi Jon,

Warning messages from omkdepend pretty much _never_ matter.  Its job is
just to determine include-file dependencies, and it doesn't always get the
pre-processing right.

Warnings from c/c++ compilers are more likely to be a problem, but
unfortunately there are quite a few warnings produced when omniORB are
compiled that are not associated with any problem -- the compiler is
sometimes a little too paranoid.


On Tue, 10 Oct 2000 jon@totient.demon.co.uk wrote:

> RH6.2, linux egcs-2.91.66
> message :-
> make[3]: Entering directory `/home2/jon/onew/omni/src/tool/omniidl/cxx'
> ../../../../bin/i586_linux_2.0_glibc2.1/omkdepend -D__cplusplus -D__GNUG__ -D__GNUC__ -DIDLMODULE_VERSION="0x2301" -I/usr/include -DPYTHON_INCLUDE=<python1.5/Python.h> -I. -I../../../../include -D__x86__ -D__linux__ -D__OSVERSION__=2 idlc.cc idlpython.cc idlconfig.cc idldump.cc idlvalidate.cc idlast.cc idlexpr.cc idlscope.cc idlrepoId.cc idltype.cc idlutil.cc idlerr.cc lex.yy.cc y.tab.cc
> ../../../../bin/i586_linux_2.0_glibc2.1/omkdepend: warning:  (from idlc.cc) /usr/include/bits/stdio_lim.h: 20: # error "Never include <bits/stdio_lim.h> directly; use <stdio.h> instead."
> "idlc.cc":96:  __GNUC__ > 2 || (__GNUC__ == 2   		       && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= (defined __cplusplus ? 6 : 4))
>                                                                                                    ^--- expecting )
> ../../../../bin/i586_linux_2.0_glibc2.1/omkdepend: warning:  (from idlpython.cc) idlpython.cc: 280: #    error "omniidl requires Python 1.5.2 or higher"
> ../../../../bin/i586_linux_2.0_glibc2.1/omkdepend: warning:  (from idlexpr.cc) /usr/include/bits/mathdef.h: 20: # error "Never use <bits/mathdef.h> directly; include <math.h> instead"
> making export in src/tool/omniidl/cxx/cccp...
> does this matter?