[omniORB] RPM's and idl documentation?

mdavis@rwii.com mdavis@rwii.com
Tue, 31 Oct 2000 11:13:09 -0500

If you are willing to pay for it, you can get a good IDL->HTML tool from
www.ooc.com (the ORBacus people).  It ships with either their C++ ORB or their
Java ORB.

On Mon, Oct 30, 2000 at 05:40:50PM -0800, Jared Lee Peterson wrote:
> Has anyone put together RPM's for all of the omniORB stuff?  If so could
> a link be put up on the main site to these?  If there are no rpm's is
> there any interest out there for some to be provided?  Also does anyone
> know of a good tool for creating documentation from idl files.  Any info
> that could be offered would be great.
> thanks,
> jared

Mike Davis           Real World Interface, a division of iRobot Corp.
mdavis@rwii.com      http://www.irobot.com/
603-532-6900 x215    fax : 603-532-6901