[omniORB] linked library

Attila.Pletyak@anemosky.com Attila.Pletyak@anemosky.com
Tue, 10 Apr 2001 16:36:51 +0200

For omniORB 2.8 these were: libomniORB2, libomnithread and libtcpwrapGK=

Look in the lib/<platformtype> directory of your omniORB3 source to loo=
for the libs created. If you use a precompiled version then look into t=
folder where the installer put these library files. The linux command
'locate' can help you a lot if you do not know where are they.


Attila Pletyak
Anemo Ltd.

                    Beno=EEt ALLOMBERT                                 =
                    <b_allombert@ifrance.com>           To:     omniorb=
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                    owner-omniorb-list@uk.resear        Subject:     [o=
mniORB] linked library                                             =20
                    ch.att.com                                         =
                    04/10/01 06:03 PM                                  =

What lib should i link with a code to be able to use omniORB ?


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