[omniORB] undefined references after moving to POA

ross::barna rbarna@neochi.com
Tue, 3 Jul 2001 13:47:03 -0400 (EDT)

I moved my project from BOA to POA and now, when I compile my executable
the linker complains of many undefined references in my implementation

For each class in the library (CLASS), the linker has the following as

_impl_SUBCLASS::_impl_CLASS virtual table
POA_CLASS type info function
POA_CLASS::PortableServer::ServantBase virtual table
_impl_CLASS::_dispatch(GIOP_S &)
POA_CLASS::omniServant virtual table
POA_CLASS::_ptrToInterface(char const *)

I am sure that the compiled implementation classes (which inherit public
virtual from the POA_ classes) are being linked with the executable.  
What is going on here?  My link line worked fine with the BOA version of
the project.

Thanks in advance,