[omniORB] _omnipy.pyd debug version wanted

Renzo Tomaselli renzo.tomaselli@tecnotp.it
Wed, 11 Jul 2001 16:48:40 +0200

Hi all,
    I need to run the debug version of Python 2.1 with OmniORB under NT.
OmniORBPython 1.4 cannot run since (correctly) it refuses to import
_omnipy.pyd. Indeed this dll links the normal (non-debug) version of OmniORB
runtime dlls and I believe it detects debug/non-debug mismatches (actually
its says "no module named _omnipy").
Is there any prebuilt debug version of _omnipy or should I build it from
sources ?
Is there any special version of /omni/lib/python/omniORB/CORBA.py which
actually imports _omnipy (since names should be different, e.g.
_omnipy_d.pyd to adopt what python debug does) or do we need to clone it by
hand ?
                                             Renzo Tomaselli
TecnoTP s.n.c. Special Information System Design
Maso Pelauchi I38050 Ronchi Valsugana,  Trento TN  ITALY
Tel. +39 0461 773164      Fax. +39 0461 771514
e-mail: renzo.tomaselli@tecnotp.it