[omniORB] omni interceptors

Sai-Lai Lo s.lo@uk.research.att.com
Wed, 25 Jul 2001 13:59:35 -0000

You do not mention exactly what you try to achieve so it is not possible to
give a straight answer. The term "interceptor" can mean vastly different
functionality. The interceptors I currently put in are there based on my
idea of what is useful, for instance, be able to insert and extract service
context. I'm completely open to suggestion as to what interception one would
find useful. What I need is a description of the intended usage.

You mention encrypt/decrypt messages. I wonder if you meant being able to
encrypt the marshalled data before sending the bytes onto the network and do
the reverse on the other side. I'm not sure an interceptor to do this sort
of thing is on the card for omniORB because marshalling and unmarshalling is
a fully pipelined process with data being sent onto the network while there
are still arguments to marshal.

If you want to do this, a better approach would be to implement it as a
transport, similar to the ssl transport. The transport interface in omniORB
4 is much simpler than in omniORB 3. You may want to look into
<omniORB4>/src/lib/omniORB/orbcore/ssl/ to see what needs to be done. Mind
you I've just changed the transport interface to better support
bidirectional GIOP. So things will be slightly different when the
bidirectional giop support is checked-in but you get the idea.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Frederico Faria" <frederico@ati.com.br>
To: <omniorb-list@uk.research.att.com>
Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2001 4:39 PM
Subject: [omniORB] omni interceptors

>  Hi,
> I saw in omni archive mail list that there are interceptors omniORB
> specific.
> ( not portable interceptors ).
> How can I work with interceptor in omniORB ?
> I have a server implemented in Mico ( using mico interceptors to
> encrypt/decrypt messages );   my clients are mico and now too omniORB
> clients.
> My doubts is :
>   How set omniORB clients to talk with my Mico Server ?
>  would I have to migrate my Mico Server to omniORB ?
> is there any other way to encrypt/decrypt my messages ?
> Thank you,
> Faria.