[omniORB] Narrowing DII exception - take 2

Kevin Bailey ke-omniorb@retriever.dyndns.org
Mon, 30 Jul 2001 11:09:04 -0700

I'm still trying to find the right way to propagate a user exception
through a DII request. I suspect the included example is closer to
the correct way than before but it still translates all user exceptions

It can't even narrow the exception to an UnknownUserException.
This implies that the exception is a genuine CORBA::MARSHAL and
that either the unmarshalling of user exceptions has a bug or
that I'm supposed to configure the DII request to accept an
exception of that type prior to the evocation. I can't find
any way to do the latter, however.

Can someone at least tell me if this is the correct way ?
If it is, is this a known bug ? I haven't found anything
mentioning it in the archives.

// pingtest.cc

#include "pingable.hh"
#include <iostream>

class Pingable_i:
  public POA_Fruit::Pingable
  virtual void Ping();

bool ping_should_throw;

void Pingable_i::Ping()
  std::cout << "Pingable_i::Ping" << std::endl;
  if (ping_should_throw)
    throw Fruit::MyUserException();

void DII_Evoke(Fruit::Pingable_ptr r_pingable)
  CORBA::Request_var r_request = r_pingable->_request("Ping");
    CORBA::Exception* p_ex;
    p_ex = r_request->env()->exception();
    if (p_ex)
      std::cout << "Caught exception" << std::endl;
      CORBA::UnknownUserException* p_un_ex;
      p_un_ex = CORBA::UnknownUserException::_downcast(p_ex);
      if (p_un_ex)
        std::cout << "Narrowed to UnknownUserException" << std::endl;
        const Fruit::MyUserException* p_my_ex;
        if (p_un_ex->exception() >>= p_my_ex)
          std::cout << "Extracted Fruit::MyUserException" << std::endl;
  catch (CORBA::MARSHAL&)
    std::cout << "Caught CORBA::MARSHAL" << std::endl;
  catch (Fruit::MyUserException&)
    std::cout << "Caught Fruit::MyUserException" << std::endl;

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  CORBA::ORB_var orb = CORBA::ORB_init(argc, argv, "omniORB3");

  CORBA::Object_var obj = orb->resolve_initial_references("RootPOA");
  PortableServer::POA_var poa = PortableServer::POA::_narrow(obj);

  PortableServer::POAManager_var pman = poa->the_POAManager();
  Pingable_i* p_ping = new Pingable_i();
  Fruit::Pingable_var r_pingable = p_ping->_this();
  // Try once to make sure that the call is ok
  ping_should_throw = false;
  // Have it throw a user exception
  ping_should_throw = true;
  return 0;

// pingable.idl

module Fruit

exception MyUserException

interface Pingable
  void Ping()
