[omniORB] MS VC++ 6.0 : error C2487

Jonathan Maton jmaton@unf.edu
Wed, 27 Jun 2001 16:43:36 -0400 (EDT)

I found my mistake...

We have one of our major apps developped in Borland C++ Builder, for which
I found and installed someone's port of the omniORB stuff (ported to work
with borland).

Unfortunately, I cannot #include many of these ported files as there are
new defines and such in them that are specific to borland builds.  So I
re-downloaded the omniORB stuf and created a separate branch in our bulid
tree "omni-non-borland".  Now when I work on our Visual C++ projects I
include from there and I don't ge those weird errors anymore.

On 06/27/01, Jonas Reimers wrote:

> Cannot use _declspec(dllexport) in dll=B4s that uses CORBA of some reason=
=2E You
> have to use .def files

 * Jonathan Maton - jmaton@unf.edu
 * HUGE fan of Led Zeppelin, Jewel Kilcher, and Ford Mustangs
 * http://www.unf.edu/~jmaton