[omniORB] COMM_FAILURE when invoking _nonexistent() on object
Kirkpatrick, James E
Wed, 27 Jun 2001 19:46:09 -0700
I have set up a server object and registered it with the name service
(verified through nameclt).
I kill the server process, and THEN run a client which looks up the object
in the name service and performs a _non_existent() operation on the object
reference returned from the name service. This is to simulate the
possibility of a producer - consumer situation in which a client attempts to
use a "dead" server object.
Instead of the the expected TRUE return value from _non_existent(), or
possibly a TRANSIENT exception, I'm catching a COMM_FAILURE exception.
I've also tried adding a "ping()" operation to the server interface (as
described in Henning & Vinoski, pp 254 - 256). Instead of catching the
OBJECT_NOT_EXIST exception, I'm still getting the COMM_FAILURE exception.
I don't understand why the orb is throwing COMM_FAILURE in this situation.
I've looked through the last year's worth of the list archives. There was a
similar question on 4 Aug 2000, but no answer was posted. I would
appreciate any help clearing this up.