[omniORB] omniORBpy and sequence of structs again...
Duncan Grisby
Fri, 23 Mar 2001 12:16:49 +0000
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Content-ID: <2808.985349756.1@pineapple>
On Thursday 22 March, "John D. Heintz" wrote:
> We are having the same problem. Create client side list of structs and
> get a BAD_PARAM. I can post the detail if anyone wants them, but it
> really is the same IDL as the thread above.
I don't understand the problem. I've implemented a little example
based on the post from August and it works fine with omniORBpy 1.3 /
omniORB 3.0.3. I don't think anything has changed since 1.0/3.0.0
which would affect this.
I've attached 3 files -- an IDL file, a client, and a server. Run the
server, then run the client giving the server's IOR on the command
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Content-Type: text/plain; name="expt.idl"; charset="us-ascii"
Content-ID: <2808.985349756.2@pineapple>
struct HyperLinkData
string name;
string href;
typedef sequence<HyperLinkData> HyperLinks;
interface itf
void storeHyperLinks(in HyperLinks linkdata, in long entry_id);
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Content-Type: text/plain; name="serv.py"; charset="us-ascii"
Content-ID: <2808.985349756.3@pineapple>
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys, CORBA, PortableServer, _GlobalIDL, _GlobalIDL__POA
class itf_i (_GlobalIDL__POA.itf):
def storeHyperLinks(self, linkdata, entry_id):
print map(lambda x: (x.name, x.href), linkdata), entry_id
orb = CORBA.ORB_init(sys.argv, CORBA.ORB_ID)
poa = orb.resolve_initial_references("RootPOA")
ii = itf_i()
io = ii._this()
print orb.object_to_string(io)
poaManager = poa._get_the_POAManager()
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Content-Type: text/plain; name="clt.py"; charset="us-ascii"
Content-ID: <2808.985349756.4@pineapple>
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys, CORBA, _GlobalIDL
orb = CORBA.ORB_init(sys.argv, CORBA.ORB_ID)
o = orb.string_to_object(sys.argv[1])
linkdata = [("foo", "bar"), ("wib", "wob")]
data = []
for hyperlink in linkdata:
entry = _GlobalIDL.HyperLinkData(hyperlink[0], hyperlink[1])
o.storeHyperLinks(data, 1234)
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Content-ID: <2808.985349756.5@pineapple>
-- Duncan Grisby \ Research Engineer --
-- AT&T Laboratories Cambridge --
-- http://www.uk.research.att.com/~dpg1 --
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