[omniORB] Server & client on the same machine: no network used ?

Stefan Radke stefan.radke@systemonic.de
Wed, 23 May 2001 15:38:49 +0200


if I run a CORBA server and client on the same machine, does omniORB
recognise this and NOT send the method call data via the network, but
uses shared memory ?

This has been passed no to me almost like a rumor, no proof or

Thank you for more information,
Stefan Radke.


Dipl.-Ing. Stefan Radke       Tel.:     ++49 351 80800417
Systemonic AG                 Fax.:     ++49 351 8080039
Am Waldschloesschen 1         stefan.radke@systemonic.com
D-01099 Dresden                         www.systemonic.de
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