[omniORB] Python servant object deletion
Davidson, Keith
Thu, 24 May 2001 15:10:20 -0400
I'm new to CORBA so be gentle...
I create a servant instance and later need to delete it. I'm struggling to figure out how the standard CORBA lifecycle/memory management stuff maps to the python ORB. Here is a sample class and factory:
class TestServant_i (Test__POA.TestServant):
def __init__ (self):
print "==== ctor"
def __del__ (self):
print "==== dtor"
class TestServantFactory_i (Test__POA.TestServantFactory):
def newTestServant (self):
self.mTestServant = TestServant_i()
return self.mTestServant._this() # If I return None here, things work fine
def killTestServant (self):
print 'killing'
self.mTestServant = None #### Does not seem to kill the object!
Here is the client code:
def createTestServant(factory):
ts = factory.newTestServant()
... standard orb locating code using name services ...
createTestServant(tsf) # tsf is a TestServantFactory found via name services
I have the call to newTestServant() inside a function to ensure the returned object goes out of scope before the call to killTestServant(). The "dtor" message never gets printed *unless* I change newTestServant to return a None.
o Do I need to do something on the client side to deactivate ts? I assume python ref counting is tied into the object reference so when ts goes out of scope the object ref count goes to 0 and no CORBA.release() call is needed!
o Do I need to do something on the server side?
Please cc my direct email (kbd@iti-oh.com) as I just subscribed to this list in digest form and I'm anxiously awaiting help ;-)