Masaaki Sekiya
Fri, 9 Nov 2001 22:37:03 JST
Hi. I'm using omniORB3.04.
Our application calls a ping to a server object.
This server object exists in a machine which is sometimes shutdowned.
In a such situation, ping call blocks for 30 seconds.
If one ping call recover from blocking , the next ping call blocks.
So this continuous action makes a through put worse.
By checking the source ( tcpSocketMTfactory.cc ),I found that
if connect returns errno as EINPROGRESS, realConnect tries to connect
at most for 30 seconds.
And this time value is defined as MAX_CONNECTION_WAIT.
But I want to change this value to shorter value.
Is it possible to make MAX_CONNECTION_WAIT changable by some way ?
Thanks in advance.
Masaaki Sekiya