[omniORB] problem with static crt vs dll crt in win32

Stuart Holcombe sholcombe@therapyedge.com
Fri, 30 Nov 2001 10:39:00 -0500

I am having an issue trying to create an executable which uses the static C
runtime libraries on win 2000 with vc 6.  When the method

	char* kb_i::echo(const char* echoStr)
	    return CORBA::string_dup(echoStr);

is executed, the debugger complains that the memory allocated by string_dup
is not valid (an int3 is thrown by _CrtIsValidHeapPointer in _free_dbg when
called by the omni::freeString method).  Everything works fine using the DLL
version of the crt.  I have made sure that the orb has been compiled using
the static libs by using the MSVC_STATICLIB_... defines in win32.mk.  Does
anyone have any ideas?

Thank you,

- Stuart

Stuart Holcombe
TherapyEdge, Inc.