[omniORB] compilling OmniOrb 4_20011_004 with bcc on win32
Jens Stål Hansen
Mon, 15 Oct 2001 08:42:39 +0200
Hi Dr. Mikhail Soukhanov
I have mailed with you earlyer this year about omniOrb 3 and that has worked
really well. Except for one thing. the OmniOrb 3 does not transport the
danish letters very well. I have heard that the OmniOrb 4 does the job.
The problem is that I have tried following the README.win32 when compilling
the omniORB-20011004.tar.gz with borlands make, and it does not work. Have
you tried this or do you have any pointers on how I should do this ?
I am using Windows2000 and Borland C++ Builder 5.0.
Med venlig hilsen / Best regards
Jens Stål Hansen
Cue Consult A/S
Gustav Wieds Vej 10
8000 Århus C.
Tlf. +45 86 20 20 00
Fax +45 86 12 68 44