[omniORB] omniORB4 for mission critical production app

baileyk@schneider.com baileyk@schneider.com
Fri, 26 Apr 2002 10:44:20 -0500

> i would like to summit that if a company is run by lawyers, than omniorb
> probably the wrong kind of software,  free and open source.  it would be
> safer to go w commercial ones like microsoft's.  for a top notch omniorb
> it is the lawyer's job to bang out a contract that the techy will accept
and to
> pay him to review the contract.

Let me be more careful.  I did not mean to imply my employer's company is
run by lawyers.  I'm not directly involved in the support contract
negotiations and don't know how they work.  I do technical evaluations of
products and attempt to influence decisions on a technical basis.
