AW: [omniORB] omniorb with gcc on win32 (cygwin)

Grobarcik Peter
Tue, 30 Apr 2002 15:18:02 +0200

I build it few weeks ago, but I did not have time to test the results
(examples work),

1) I used 3.0.4 and Linux makefile as a start
2) You need a decent Cygwin with Thread support
3) Since I did not figured out how to create proper dll's I build a static
omniidl (embeded python instead of python modules and static libs.

In case you succeed with dynamic build, drop me please a line.



> ----------
> Von: 	Nikolas Kauer[]
> Gesendet: 	Dienstag, 30. April 2002 15:06
> An:
> Betreff: 	[omniORB] omniorb with gcc on win32 (cygwin)
> Does anyone know of attempts to build omniorb 
> with gcc on win32 systems with cygwin?  
> How feasible/difficult would that be?  Is 
> there any info on how to modify the makefiles?  
> Thanks for any hints!
> PS Visual C++ 6 is not sufficiently close to the 
> C++ standard to compile the code I'm working with.
> Regards,
> Nikolas