[omniORB] omniORB4 unterminated string bug in ior.cc

Norrie Quinn norrie.quinn@tumbleweed.com
Fri Aug 16 03:04:01 2002

A simple bug causing intermittent access violations on Windows for us.  The
[] operator on the string does a strlen() on an unterminated string.  You
will also find the same bug in tcpEndpoint.cc, tcpAddress.cc, sslEndpoint.cc
and sslAddress.cc.


diff -c -w -r1.1 ior.cc
*** ior.cc	4 Apr 2002 22:48:13 -0000	1.1
--- ior.cc	16 Aug 2002 01:49:44 -0000
*** 660,666 ****
    CORBA::ULong hostlen = strchr(host,':') - host;
    CORBA::String_var copyhost(CORBA::string_alloc(hostlen));
!   copyhost[hostlen] = '\0';
    IIOP::Address ssladdr;
    ssladdr.host = copyhost._retn();
--- 660,666 ----
    CORBA::ULong hostlen = strchr(host,':') - host;
    CORBA::String_var copyhost(CORBA::string_alloc(hostlen));
!   ((char *)copyhost)[hostlen] = '\0';

    IIOP::Address ssladdr;
    ssladdr.host = copyhost._retn();