[omniORB] Cannot connect to omniNames with MICO client

p.klotz@icoserve.com p.klotz@icoserve.com
Fri Dec 6 10:56:01 2002

> Others have mentioned that you should use the -ORBInitRef argument to
> the MICO client to specify the naming service location.

Thank you. -ORBInitRef works perfect for MICO clients. Now I can connect
MICO/omniORB clients/servers in any combination.

> You should not use the -ORBendPoint option to omniNames unless you are
> doing something special. The first time you run omniNames you should
> use the -start argument, either on its own if you want to use the
> default port of 2809, or with a port number for a different port. The
> way you are running it will cause it to listen on two different ports.

The -start option seems sufficient for my purpose. The only thing that I
have to set is the listen port.

Best regards, Peter.