[omniORB] BAD_PARAMS_WrongPythonType in deeply nested structure
Fri Dec 20 15:18:01 2002
sorry if this is a duplicate post...
If you find an easy way, let me know.
What I've done in the same situation is dump the structure out as text and
read through it looking for the problem. You could use an XML
serialization method to do that, or there's some code I use listed below.
It's worked for all IDL types I've ever used it on. I just read the output
looking for wrong datatypes.
# note: my IDL time type is minutes since 1/1/1901 gmt.
# you may want to just remove the check for var names with "time"
# in them...
import sys, time, types, cPickle, cStringIO, os
from os import path
epochOffset = 2177452800L
basic_types = [
types.UnicodeType ]
def tm2str( t ) :
global epochOffset
t = long(t) * 60L - epochOffset
return time.ctime( t )
def prt(val, out = sys.stdout, d = "", seen = None):
global basic_types
if not seen : seen = { id(val) : val }
else :
if (type(val) not in basic_types) and seen.has_key( id(val) ) :
out.write("%sseen id = %d\n" % (d, id(val)) )
seen[id(val)] = val
if type(val) == types.InstanceType :
out.write("%sInstance id(%d) of type %s:\n" %
(d, id(val), val.__class__.__name__))
for i in val.__dict__.keys() :
f = val.__dict__[i]
if i.find("time") >= 0 :
out.write("%s field %s : " % (d, i))
out.write("%s\n" % tm2str(f) )
out.write("%s field %s\n" % (d, i))
prt( f , out, d + " ", seen)
elif type(val) == types.TupleType :
out.write("%sTuple of len %d\n" % ( d, len(val) ))
for i in val :
prt( i, out, d + " ", seen )
elif type(val) == types.ListType :
out.write("%sList of len %d\n" % ( d, len(val) ))
for i in val :
prt( i, out, d + " ", seen )
elif type(val) == types.DictionaryType :
out.write("%sDict of len %d\n" % ( d, len(val.keys()) ))
for i in val.keys() :
out.write("%sKey:\n" % d)
prt( i, out, d + " ", seen )
out.write("%sValue:\n" % d)
prt( val[i], out, d + " ", seen )
else :
out.write("%s%s\n" % (d, str(val)))
"I-Currey, Jason"
<Jason.Currey@Australia.Boei To: "'omniorb-list@omniorb-support.com'"
ng.com> <omniorb-list@omniorb-support.com>
Sent by: cc:
omniorb-list-admin@omniorb-s Fax to:
upport.com Subject: [omniORB] BAD_PARAMS_WrongPythonType in deeply nested
12/19/2002 03:26 PM
I am using OmniOrbPy and am getting a BAD_PARAMS_WrongPythonType exception
when calling an IDL method which takes a heavily nested structure type.
anyone know a way of finding the particular item in the structure causing
the problem? Or is there a way to handle these sorts of problems
generically, like a fill in the blanks method?