[omniORB] seg fault with cygwin on win2k

Ravindra Ganti ravindra_ganti@onebox.com
Mon, 04 Feb 2002 06:02:17 -0800

Hi All,

I am trying to port OmniORB on cygwin on win2k. The compilation of OmniORB
sources went on well, after many modifications to the make files (Actually
I modified the existing make file for i586_linux_2.0_glibc2.1 according
to the cygwin requirements). 

I checked the functionality of OmniORB and found everything going on
well, except for the following issue :
Whenever, the client code calls orb->destroy() (eg. in ./src/examples/echo/eg2_clt.cc
), I am getting a segmentation fault, core dump. 
Please let me know if you have any suggestions to solve this problem
Thanks in advance

Ravindra Ganti
ravindra_ganti@onebox.com - email

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