[omniORB] Problem releasing memory resources

Duncan Grisby dgrisby@uk.research.att.com
Fri, 11 Jan 2002 10:20:29 +0000

On Wednesday 9 January, Mark Johnson wrote:

> I'm very confused about how to ensure that I am taking care of memory
> correctly.  In noticed that my servant and client was using an absordant
> amount of resources and memory when it shouldn't have been. For a test the
> only corba call between the client and servant is on the Heartbeat()
> interface which te servant returns a long which is its uptime.

I don't know where your memory leak could be. It's not impossible that
there are obscure memory leaks lurking within omniORB, but something
as simple as your example definitely doesn't leak. The only things I
can think of that might be the culprit are...

>       while( isStopped() == false )
>    	{      	
> 	   SLEEP( 1 );  
>          long time = theActiveServant->getController()->Heartbeat();
>          PrintUptime( time );
>       }

What does getController() do?  What about PrintUptime()?

Are you able to run your program in Purify or something like that?



 -- Duncan Grisby  \  Research Engineer  --
  -- AT&T Laboratories Cambridge          --
   -- http://www.uk.research.att.com/~dpg1 --