[omniORB] Obtaining references out of factory
Thu, 17 Jan 2002 11:27:30 +0100
I got some problems with references to objects and how to handle them. I found several examples of
how to cope with that but nothing worked with omniORB. Nevertheless I am quite sure I am doing the
whole mistake.
I want to implement a factory creating my objects:
interface Foo {
interface FooFactory {
Foo create();
Foo catch();
Everything works fine, except the catch method. I was only able to give back a new reference to a
new object. But look at some code of the working creat() method.
vector <Foo_i> foolist;
Foo_i* myFoo, tmpFoo;
Foo_ptr FooFactory_i::create(int id) {
myFoo = new Foo_i(id);
Then the mismatch in the catch() method:
Foo_ptr FooFactory_i::catch(int id) {
//the following is working, but does create some new object
tmpFoo = new Foo_i(foolist.begin().[id]
return tmpFoo->_this();
I tried something like
Foo_ptr tmpptr = foolist.begin().[id];
return tmpptr->_this();
or also some programming with _narrow() a simple converted object.
The problem is that what comes out of my vector does not match to Foo_ptr and I am not capable to
convert it. I really got that feeling doing something totally wrong again.
Would be really great if someone will be able to help me,
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