[omniORB] MFC+omniORB3004 rootContext->resolve(name) crash

Alexios Ballas k994835@king.ac.uk
Fri, 25 Jan 2002 15:32:56 +0000

Hi there,

I have built a CORBA client (NT 4.0) running perfectly as a WIN32 console 

It is contacting a CORBA server (NT4.0)
through OmniNames (running on the same machine as CORBA server does).

I can communicate with Omninames and the CORBA server perfectly.


I am taking the SAME code and putting it in my MFC application.
Everything compiles good, but when I run the program an "unknown exception" 
is thrown at this line:

It does contact OmniNames because when I set the "name" parameter incorrectly,
an "CosNaming::NamingContext::NotFound" exception is thrown, which means 
that it knows that the name is incorrect.

Any ideas what might be wrong??
Any help will be appreciated!

Alexis Ballas


The CODE is as follows:

static CORBA::Object_ptr
getObjectReference(CORBA::ORB_ptr orb)
   CosNaming::NamingContext_var rootContext;

   try {
     // Obtain a reference to the root context of the Name service:
     CORBA::Object_var obj = orb->resolve_initial_references("NameService");

     // Narrow the reference returned.
     rootContext = CosNaming::NamingContext::_narrow(obj);
     if( CORBA::is_nil(rootContext) ) {
       //cerr << "Failed to narrow the root naming context." << endl;
       return CORBA::Object::_nil();
   catch(CORBA::ORB::InvalidName&) {
     // This should not happen!
     //cerr << "Service required is invalid [does not exist]." << endl;
     return CORBA::Object::_nil();

   // Create a name object, containing the name test/context:
   CosNaming::Name name;

   name[0].id   = (const char*) "ProbeIT";       // string copied
   name[0].kind = (const char*) "data";          // string copied
   name[1].id   = (const char*) "ubi";
   name[1].kind = (const char*) "data";
   // Note on kind: The kind field is used to indicate the type
   // of the object. This is to avoid conventions such as that used
   // by files (name.type -- e.g. test.ps = postscript etc.)

   try {
     // Resolve the name to an object reference.
   catch(CosNaming::NamingContext::NotFound&) {
     // This exception is thrown if any of the components of the
     // path [contexts or the object] aren't found:
     //cerr << "Context not found." << endl;
   catch(CORBA::COMM_FAILURE&) {
     //cerr << "Caught system exception COMM_FAILURE -- unable to "
         //<< "contact the naming service." << endl;
   catch(CORBA::SystemException&) {
     //cerr << "Caught a CORBA::SystemException while using the "
      //   << "naming service." << endl;
   catch(...) {
     //cerr << "Caught unknown exception." << endl;
   return CORBA::Object::_nil();