[omniORB] corba in COM object, how to shutdown, make thread ( again after few failed tests)

David Hyde davidh@cavendish.co.uk
Tue, 19 Mar 2002 13:44:34 -0000

I've developed a COM object that connects to CORBA services.

First of all you shouldn't have to do orb->run at all.  It is multithreaded
and runs fine off the Windows event loop.

Second,  I hold only one instance of the orb at application scope.
Therefore all instances of the COM control within a single dll use the same
pointer.  My init() function protects against multiple initialisation simply
by checking to see if the orb pointer is valid before calling orb_init().

I then call CORBA::release() on my POA and ORB objects during the dll's
ExitInstance.  I've found that calling orb->destroy() at this point causes
problems, but everything seems ok if I just leave this out.

Hope this helps


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-----Original Message-----
From: Andrey Koubychev [mailto:email@vtc.ru]
Sent: 19 March 2002 13:35
To: omniorb-list@uk.research.att.com
Subject: [omniORB] corba in COM object, how to shutdown, make thread
(again after few failed tests)

Hello Developers,

      I have some questions about "how to shutdown all corba activity
      and free all resources". As I see, there are few programmers in
      maillist who use corba from COM objects.
      I'm familiar with COM and CORBA , but have problems with putting
      all togather.
          My COM object has Init() function with does ORB_init
       and spawn a thread and pass orb as param like:
       // for simplicity , I dont create any POAs and other stuff

      ListeningThread = new omni_thread(startlisten_proc,&orb);
      // Is it correct way ?

      In thread :

      CORBA::ORB_ptr  orb = pOrb ;

      Shutdown() method of COM object has the following :

      void * result;
      ListeningThread->join (&result);

      The problem starts when I try to do: Init(), Shutdown(),
      the second Shutdown() throws an exception on orb->shutdown(0);
      So if someone created and destroyed my obj twice, I would get
      some problems.
      One of the possible solution at my side is to use ClassFactory for COM
      objects. But this adds more complexity :) If it possible to
      avoid, I will be very happy :)
Best regards,
 Andrey                          mailto:email@vtc.ru