[omniORB] Problem with fragmented packet

Jens Stål Hansen Jens@Cue.dk
Thu, 21 Mar 2002 15:26:59 +0100

I am using omniORB4 (20020130) on my C++ Server and OpenOrb on my Java

OpenOrb does not support fragmented packets, and that is coursing some
problems with a BinaryFile ( sequence<octet> ).

Is there any way I can tell omniORB, to not Fragment ?

Would it help to use IIOP 1.0 instead ?

Med venlig hilsen / Best regards

Jens Stål Hansen

Cue Consult A/S
Gustav Wieds Vej 10
8000 Århus C.

Tlf. +45 86 20 20 00
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