[omniORB] omniORB 4: compiling with gcc 3.0 and build system

Christof Meerwald cmeerw@web.de
Sat, 30 Mar 2002 17:10:09 +0100


there is currently one problem when trying to compile the latest omniORB 4
CVS checkout with gcc 3.0.4. gcc 3.0.4 needs an include for <iomanip.h> in
src/appl/utils/catior/catior.cc for the declaration of the "hex" manipulator
(catior.cc, line 425).

omniORB IDL files are currently installed to @prefix@/idl/omniORB - but
wouldn't it be better to install the IDL files to @datadir@/idl/omniORB?
(e.g. /usr/share/idl/omniORB instead of /usr/idl/omniORB)

bye, Christof

http://cmeerw.org                                 JID: cmeerw@jabber.at
mailto cmeerw at web.de