[omniORB] Crosscompiling troubles

Tobias Hunger tobias@fresco.org
08 May 2002 00:43:03 +0200

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I send this out before confirming my subscription, and was told
it did not get through to the list for some hours. So I'm
resending this. Sorry if this mail gets to you twice.


I am trying to crosscompile omniorb4 (from CVS) to my Sharp Zaurus.

I configure like this:
./configure \
  --sysconfdir=3D/etc --with-omniORB-config=3D/etc/omniorb4.cfg \
  --disable-thread-tracing --disable-static \
  --prefix=3D/usr/local --with-omniNames-logdir=3D/usr/local/log \
  --build=3Di586-linux --host=3Darm-linux

The compiler etc. gets set right, but it insists on using /usr/include
for it's include files. How can I change that? I tried setting CPPFLAGS
to the cross-compiler's include dir. Configure accepted and used it. The
actual make then fails, still using /usr/include.

During the actual build process this flag is ignored: It uses
-I/usr/include all over the place.

Some other problem: I need to use the locally install omkdepend instead
of the crosscompiled version just build. That's easy: I just need to
patch mk/beforeauto.mk.in :-)

Is there a way to not build omkdepend at all? I see 'EmbeddedSystem' in
some places. Can I set that using configure?


Tobias Hunger           The box said: 'Windows 95 or better'
tobias@fresco.org                      So I installed Linux.

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