[omniORB] omniORB4.0.0/Win32: link creates export file and import library

p.klotz@icoserve.com p.klotz@icoserve.com
Wed Nov 6 14:10:01 2002

When linking a client under Windows XP (MSVC7), the linker not only creates
an executable file but also a .exp and a .lib file.
Nevertheless the generated executable works fine.

MSDN October 2002 states:
When you link a program (either an executable file or a DLL) that contains
exports, LINK automatically creates an import library that describes the

How can I prevent these additional files? Which symbols does omniORB

Throughout my source code I use the compiler defines __x86__, __WIN32__,
__NT__, __OSVERSION__=4, _WIN32_WINNT=0x0400 and _WINSTATIC.
I link against the static libraries omniORB4.lib, omnithread.lib and

Best regards, Peter.