[omniORB] Unable to build on Solaris

Olivier BOUDEVILLE olivier.boudeville@edf.fr
Fri Nov 8 15:51:01 2002

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Hi everybody,

I have tried to look at every FAQ and REAME I found, but I have not been
able to solve my compilation problem on Solaris.

I tried to build omniORB-4.0.0 from the sources on a Solaris (SunOS 5.8
Generic_108528-10 sun4u sparc SUNW,Sun-Blade-1000), using Workshop 6.2
(Sun WorkShop 6 update 2 C 5.3 2001/05/15). Python version was fine
(Python 1.5.2 (#21, Aug 21 2001, 17:58:51) [C] on sunos5), but as
autoconf detected an old gcc I did not want to use (besides, the first
time the compilation ran with gcc it failed), I used :

../configure --prefix=<my own directory>/omniORB-4.0.0 CC=<path to
SUNWspro-6.2/cc> CXX=<path to SUNWspro-6.2/cc>

configure seems to be successful but when I use make to have omniorb
compiled, it fails with :

/logiciels/SUNWspro-6.2/SUNWspro/bin/cc -c -O2 -g
-DIDLMODULE_VERSION="\"0x2420\"" -I/home/boudevil/tools/include
-DPYTHON_INCLUDE="<python1.5/Python.h>" -KPIC -I.
-I../../../../../src/tool/omniidl/cxx -I../../../../include
-I../../../../../include -D__OSVERSION__=5 -D__sunos__ -D__sparc__ -o
y.tab.o ../../../../../src/tool/omniidl/cxx/y.tab.cc
cc: Warning: option -2 passed to ld
cc: No input file specified, no output generated
make[4]: *** [y.tab.o] Error 1

Is it a known problem ?

Thanks in advance for any help, best regards,


Olivier Boudeville

1, avenue du Général de Gaulle
92140 Clamart
Département SINETICS, groupe AASI (I22), bureau D068
Bureau : 01-47-65-59-58
Portable : 06-16-83-37-22

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<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
Hi everybody,
<p>I have tried to look at every FAQ and REAME I found, but I have not
been able to solve my compilation problem on Solaris.
<p>I tried to build omniORB-4.0.0 from the sources on a Solaris (SunOS
5.8 Generic_108528-10 sun4u sparc SUNW,Sun-Blade-1000), using Workshop
6.2 (Sun WorkShop 6 update 2 C 5.3 2001/05/15). Python version was fine
(Python 1.5.2 (#21, Aug 21 2001, 17:58:51) [C] on sunos5), but as autoconf
detected an old gcc I did not want to use (besides, the first time the
compilation ran with gcc it failed), I used :
<p>../configure --prefix=&lt;my own directory>/omniORB-4.0.0 CC=&lt;path
to SUNWspro-6.2/cc> CXX=&lt;path to SUNWspro-6.2/cc>
<p>configure seems to be successful but when I use make to have omniorb
compiled, it fails with :
<p>/logiciels/SUNWspro-6.2/SUNWspro/bin/cc -c -O2 -g&nbsp;&nbsp; -DIDLMODULE_VERSION="\"0x2420\""
-I/home/boudevil/tools/include -DPYTHON_INCLUDE="&lt;python1.5/Python.h>"
-KPIC -I. -I../../../../../src/tool/omniidl/cxx -I../../../../include -I../../../../../include
-D__OSVERSION__=5 -D__sunos__ -D__sparc__ -o y.tab.o ../../../../../src/tool/omniidl/cxx/y.tab.cc
<br>cc: Warning: option -2 passed to ld
<br>cc: No input file specified, no output generated
<br>make[4]: *** [y.tab.o] Error 1
<p>Is it a known problem ?
<p>Thanks in advance for any help, best regards,
Olivier Boudeville

EDF R&amp;D
1, avenue du G&eacute;n&eacute;ral de Gaulle
92140 Clamart
D&eacute;partement SINETICS, groupe AASI (I22), bureau D068
Bureau : 01-47-65-59-58
Portable : 06-16-83-37-22</pre>
