[omniORB] Multithreading

Sander Steffann sander@steffann.nl
Tue Nov 19 14:17:01 2002


> you actually don't need the call to orb->run().
> OmniORB is multithreaded anyway and starts it's own
> threads to manage requests. Even though orb->run()
> is used in all the omni examples it basically just
> emulates an idle loop.
> So all you need to do is init the ORB and activate
> the POA (maybe in your InitInstance function) and
> then just run the Windows messages loop.

I think that from omniORB4+ the orb->run() actualy performs some work, so at
least orb->run() or orb->perform_work() should be called... Your statements
are correct AFAIK for omniORB3.
