[omniORB] Linux RPMs built

Thomas Lockhart lockhart@fourpalms.org
Sun Oct 6 00:51:02 2002

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I've (finally) built RPMs for omniORB-4.0.0 and omniORBpy-2.0 and posted 
them at


They are built with ssl enabled and thread tracing disabled per Mike's 
suggestion a few weeks ago. They have received minimal testing, but I 
have been using similar RPMs built from a recent beta release for some 
python work. I'll fix anything which seems broken so let me know if you 
have trouble.

I had to (slightly) patch omniORBpy-2.0 to build against the installed 
omniORB RPM. The patch file is included below and adds DESTDIR to the 
installation directories and changes a reference from 
OMNIORB_ROOT/idl/omniORB/ to OMNIORB_ROOT/share/idl/omniORB which seems 
to be where omniORB itself wants stash its idl files.

I'm happy to post the RPMs to the official site or to have someone else 
take over ownership if that would be better. In the meantime if someone 
wants to build for other platforms I can post those too; I've got 
Mandrake-8.0 and 8.1 RPMs building...

Oh, Mandrake-9.0 uses gcc-3.2 so congratulations on having code which 
makes it through the compiler.

                    - Thomas

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diff -cr omniORBpy-2.0.orig/mk/beforeauto.mk.in omniORBpy-2.0/mk/beforeauto.mk.in
*** omniORBpy-2.0.orig/mk/beforeauto.mk.in	2002-09-06 21:34:26.000000000 +0000
--- omniORBpy-2.0/mk/beforeauto.mk.in	2002-10-05 13:52:49.000000000 +0000
*** 43,49 ****
  # Directories for installation
! prefix        	 := @prefix@
  exec_prefix   	 := @exec_prefix@
  INSTALLINCDIR 	 := @includedir@
--- 43,49 ----
  # Directories for installation
! prefix        	 := $(DESTDIR)@prefix@
  exec_prefix   	 := @exec_prefix@
  INSTALLINCDIR 	 := @includedir@
*** 275,281 ****
  # files.
  vpath %.idl $(IMPORT_TREES:%=%/idl) \
!             $(OMNIORB_ROOT)/idl/omniORB $(DATADIR)/idl/omniORB
  IMPORT_IDLFLAGS += -I. $(patsubst %,-I%,$(VPATH)) \
  		       $(patsubst %,-I%/idl,$(IMPORT_TREES))
--- 275,281 ----
  # files.
  vpath %.idl $(IMPORT_TREES:%=%/idl) \
!             $(OMNIORB_ROOT)/share/idl/omniORB $(DATADIR)/idl/omniORB
  IMPORT_IDLFLAGS += -I. $(patsubst %,-I%,$(VPATH)) \
  		       $(patsubst %,-I%/idl,$(IMPORT_TREES))
Only in omniORBpy-2.0/mk: beforeauto.mk.in.orig
