[omniORB] automatic generating thread at every omniORB related functions

zhang ji zsfunl@yahoo.com
Thu Sep 19 04:06:01 2002

Hi all,

I build one dynamical library libTest.so with which
one omniORB server links. 
By debugging the running of the omniORB server, I
found each omniORB related function call in the
omniORB server would generate a new thread,
espercially when the orb_run()  processed, there will
generate a lot of threads.

As normal omniORB server will generate threads after
CORBA::ORB_init(argc, argv, "omniORB3") and
CORBA::Object_var obj =
then it will stop generating new threads. 

So it seemed the dynamical library libTest.so affects
the thread generating policy in omniORB. If I did not
linked the library libTest.so, everything is OK.

Can anybody tell me the reasons may affect the threads
generating in omniORB server?


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