[omniORB] Detecting activated servants...
Marcus MacWilliam
Fri Sep 27 14:55:01 2002
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bjorn rohde jensen wrote:
> Hi guys,
> It is highly recommendable to let the POA handle
> servant deletion, since there are several threading
> issues involved in that. Let your servant implementations
> derive from PortableServer::RefCountServantBase and call
> removeRef on it instead of delete. Check your CORBA
> books about this, i am sure, you can rip an example
> from them:)
> Yours sincerely,
> Bjorn
Cannot do this, the project is updating our old BOA's to use POA's.
We have our own reference counting because the CORBA objects
are just wrappers for C++ objects, and can't be deleted verbatim.
Therefore we are not using the POA Reference Counting at all.
I thought our wrappers handled everything automatically, but I have
started to get omniorb messages in my server output, telling me
I am trying to delete an object that is still active.
This is strange because the object is deleted in a method that has
already called release() (our own), which calls
for the servant in question.
We then cache the objects for deletion, and they are done the next
around. So they should not still be active.
Is there a way of determining if a servant is still active? Either by
the ID to a method, or by calling a method on the servant.
I am hoping to do this only to track down which servants are still
active, in a debugging stage, so that I can check our code.
i.e. if it is still active, output a message.
But I do not know how to detect if a servant is still active, before I
delete it. The below is the code I am using, which I have had to alter
since a previous posting.
// Sanity check, if the object is still active, deactivate it.
// Deactivate the object, using its unique object id.
getPOA()->deactivate_object( m_pLastObject->m_object_id );
// Local variable to hold entry.
GOTH_VALUE temp = constructEntry(
m_pLastObject->getWrappedClassName(), m_lastObjectKey );
// Output that we had to deactivate object.
(void) goth_printf( goth_stdout, "DEBUG>\t\t\t\t\t[D] - Deactivating
object - %s.\n", temp.string );
// Free the assigned temporary string.
(void) goth_value_free( temp, DT_STRING );
catch ( ... ) {}
// Delete the object.
delete m_pLastObject;
Marcus A.T MacWilliam, MSc, CEng, MBCS, BSc(Hons).
Senior Software Engineer, Laser-Scan Ltd, Cambridge, CB4 0FY.
Tel: +44 (0)1223 420414 x213. Mobile: +44 (0)7803 706597.
Fax: +44 (0)1223 420044. Web: http://www.laser-scan.co.uk/
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bjorn rohde jensen wrote:
<blockquote TYPE=CITE>Hi guys,
<p> It is highly recommendable to let the POA handle
<br>servant deletion, since there are several threading
<br>issues involved in that. Let your servant implementations
<br>derive from PortableServer::RefCountServantBase and call
<br>removeRef on it instead of delete. Check your CORBA
<br>books about this, i am sure, you can rip an example
<br>from them:)
<p>Yours sincerely,
<p><br>Cannot do this, the project is updating our old BOA's to use POA's.
<br>We have our own reference counting because the CORBA objects
<br>are just wrappers for C++ objects, and can't be deleted verbatim.
<p>Therefore we are not using the POA Reference Counting at all.
<p>I thought our wrappers handled everything automatically, but I have
<br>started to get omniorb messages in my server output, telling me
<br>I am trying to delete an object that is still active.
<p>This is strange because the object is deleted in a method that has
<br>already called release() (our own), which calls poa->deactivate_object(id)
<br>for the servant in question.
<p>We then cache the objects for deletion, and they are done the next iteration
<br>around. So they should not still be active.
<p>Is there a way of determining if a servant is still active? Either by
<br>the ID to a method, or by calling a method on the servant.
<p>I am hoping to do this only to track down which servants are still
<br>active, in a debugging stage, so that I can check our code.
<p>i.e. if it is still active, output a message.
<p>But I do not know how to detect if a servant is still active, before
<br>delete it. The below is the code I am using, which I have had to alter
<br>since a previous posting.
<p><tt>// Sanity check, if the object is still active, deactivate it.</tt>
<br><tt> // Deactivate the object, using its unique object
<br><tt> getPOA()->deactivate_object( m_pLastObject->m_object_id
<p><tt>#ifdef GOTHIC_DEBUG</tt>
<br><tt> // Local variable to hold entry.</tt>
<br><tt> GOTH_VALUE temp = constructEntry( m_pLastObject->getWrappedClassName(),
m_lastObjectKey );</tt>
<br><tt> </tt>
<br><tt> // Output that we had to deactivate object.</tt>
<br><tt> (void) goth_printf( goth_stdout, "DEBUG>\t\t\t\t\t[D]
- Deactivating object - %s.\n", temp.string );</tt><tt></tt>
<p><tt> // Free the assigned temporary string.</tt>
<br><tt> (void) goth_value_free( temp, DT_STRING );</tt>
<br><tt>catch ( ... ) {}</tt><tt></tt>
<p><tt>// Delete the object.</tt>
<br><tt>delete m_pLastObject;</tt>
<br> Marcus A.T MacWilliam, MSc, CEng, MBCS, BSc(Hons).
<br> Senior Software Engineer, Laser-Scan Ltd, Cambridge, CB4 0FY.
<br> Tel: +44 (0)1223 420414 x213. Mobile: +44 (0)7803 706597.
<br> Fax: +44 (0)1223 420044. Web: <A HREF="http://www.laser-scan.co.uk/">http://www.laser-scan.co.uk/</A>
<br> </html>