[omniORB] unbinding an object

Clarke Brunt clarke.brunt at yeomannavigation.co.uk
Tue Dec 2 18:34:29 GMT 2003

>Is it necessary to unbind an object reference from the naming service?

It's certainly a good idea, as it will prevent any clients from looking up
your non-existent object.

>I ask because, at the moment, I can't see an easy way to do this (by "easy"
>I mean in my server app)

The naming service is just a standard CORBA service. Check what methods it
has. We seem to have stuff that does something like
root_context->unbind(name) (where name is the same name object that was
bound earlier).

>Also, is there a way to make the last statement (cout) in the following
code execute?

Add a \n to the end of it (otherwise doesn't flush the output).

Clarke Brunt, Principal Software Engineer, Yeoman Navigation

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