[omniORB] -ORBendPoint, VPN tunnel IP and omniORB 4 vs. omniORB 2.8.0.

Mike Bendickson mike.bendickson at spanlink.com
Mon Dec 8 16:10:35 GMT 2003

I currently have a CORBA server (omniORB 2.8.0) that can run behind a VPN connection.  Clients in the corporate LAN connect to this server.

This server determines it's VPN tunnel IP (using something like www.ipchicken.com) and uses that in it's IOR by setting OMNIORB_USEHOSTNAME.  

Now I'm trying to port this server to omniORB 4.0.3.  Instead of setting the OMNIORB_USEHOSTNAME variable, I'm doing this:

	-ORBendPoint giop:tcp:<vpn tunnel IP>:<some port number>:

Unfortunately does not work for the VPN tunnel IP.  Trying to do so results in an exception, and the following error message in my console app:

	omniORB: Error: Unable to create an endpoint of this description: giop:tcp:<vpn tunnel IP>:<some port number>:

It appears that there is an extra check being done in 4.0.3 that was not being done in 2.8.0 that prevents this from working.  If the specified IP/host is not a valid IP/host for one of the local network interfaces, then the request is rejected.  

Is there a way to turn this check off?  Or should I be doing this some other way?


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