[omniORB] CosTransactions update and call for volunteers

Scott Robertson srobertson@codeit.com
Tue Feb 18 17:36:01 2003

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Someone inquired this morning about our progress on implementing the
Transaction service.  I figured now would be a good time to give the
list a progress report and call for volunteers.

You can read about our progress in the attached e-mail. 

We're thinking of calling this project omniOTS and making it available
under the GPL. 

If you'd like to volunteer and you are comfortable slinging C++ or
python we need your help! So don't be shy!

* Setup  CVS  or set  up a sourceforge project
* Clean-up the build process, and get the code working on windows
* Make the CosTransactions::Current object available to python clients
and servers.
* Flesh out the transaction service (implemented in python)
* Implement the orb policy checks to keep from propagating transactions
to non-transactional objects and to raise exceptions when calling
methods on objects that require transactions.

If you're interested please contact me and we can figure out the best
tasks for you to work on.

Scott Robertson <srobertson@codeit.com>

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Subject: Re: CosTransactions
From: Scott Robertson <srobertson@codeit.com>
To: Steven Shaw <steven_shaw@iprimus.com.au>
In-Reply-To: <3E52635C.4060704@iprimus.com.au>
References: <3E52635C.4060704@iprimus.com.au>
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X-Mailer: Ximian Evolution 1.2.2 
Date: 18 Feb 2003 09:22:14 -0800
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Hi Steven,

We're implementing the current object in c++ along with the code to 
propagate the transaction with each CORBA request. The actual
transaction service is being implemented in Python. To date we've coded
just enough of the transaction service to allow us to create a
transaction and the current object will implicitly pass the transaction
to the server.

I'm hoping by the end of the week to have it to the point where you can
actually register resources and commit transactions. But we probably
won't have all the policy checks required by the specification that you
are suppose to do when you pass transaction contexts around.

At the moment I'm trying to figure out what I need to do to allow the
current object to be usable from python clients and servers...

Do I smell a volunteer? Want to help out? There's plenty to do and most
of the hard stuff has been done already.

If you've got python skills you can help us implement the transaction
service... It's pretty straight forward, and you can references
openorb's java implementation available at openorb.sf.net...

If you've got C++ skills, we could really use someones  help with
cleaning up the build process and to get it to compile on windows...

What do you say?

BTW: We're planning on releasing it under the GPL...

On Tue, 2003-02-18 at 08:46, Steven Shaw wrote:
> Hi Scott,
> I was wondering whether you are having any sucess with coding the object 
> transaction service? Are you doing it in Python or C++. Are you planning 
> an open source effort?
> Sorry, just questions!
> Cheers,
> Steve.
Scott Robertson <srobertson@codeit.com>
