[omniORB] Windows98 Problems
Christopher Fahey
Fri Jan 31 02:14:01 2003
i am hoping someone can help me with this unusual situation. i have an
application that sends images from a workstation to a server using
omniORB3.0.5. (i plan on going to 4 but not right now since i am near
release). the client code is compiled in c++ for linux, windows xp, windows
nt, and windows 9x. the problem i am having is that the windows 9x client
is corrupting the data when it sends it. the data is fine until it is
loaded into a sequence<octet> object that is being sent, but when it reaches
the server, the the data in the sequence is corrupt.
***** example *****
CFileFind finder;
ImageService_ptr imgSvc;
// initialize the image memory holder.
ImageFile image;
image.data.length( finder.GetLength() );
image.name = finder.GetFileName();
// load the data into the memory holder.
loadFile( finder.GetFilePath(), (char*)image.data.get_buffer(),
finder.GetLength() );
// pass the image to the service.
imgSvc->addImage( id, image, x ); <-------- comes out the other end messed
up from Win98
struct ImageFile
string name;
sequence<octet> data;
interface ImageService
boolean addImage( in long id, in ImageFile file, in long index );
***** sample *****
i couldnt find anything specific regarding problems on win9x in the
maillist archive so i thought i would give the list itself a try. i have
seen different compiler settings for NT & win32 in general but some of the
readmes indicated the build wouldnt make any difference. would it?
any help would be appreciated.
christopher fahey