[omniORB] OmniORB with JNI interface on Solaris

S. Sahayaraj ssahayaraj at quark.co.in
Thu Nov 27 09:30:01 GMT 2003

Hi All,
	We are facing the problem while loading JNI library on solaris along
with omniORB401 shared object.  Basically, We have the well defined client
library(static lib) developed in C++. That library is having the whole
implementation of client-server interaction and it would acts as the client
of our server. This library can be used by any application further in order
to make that application itself as client to the server.

	1. Now, There is no issue if application itself based on C++ which
is linked with client static library. 
	2. But for some Java customers, we need to give the support for the
java application. In that case, we have created the JNI layer(.so library)
in top of C++ library so that application can work with our server using
that JNI interface call. 
	3. While loading the JNI library in Java application using
system.loadlibrary(..), it gives me the "UnsatisfiedLinkError" exception
which means JVM probably not able to load the omniORB shared objects along
with JNI library.
	4. Sometimes, it gives the thread clashing error between JVM and
omnithread. In that case, getting the symbol "__1c2n6FI_pv_:" error from
	5. The strange behaviour is, the above case 3 and 4 are applicable
if you just link omniORB libs with any JNI library eventhough you are not
using omniORB functionality.

	All the .so files are available in LD_LIBRARY_PATH. but JVM not able
to load the omniORB stuff.  The same cases works fine in Windows and no
issues at all.

	Is anyone had the same problem in earlier??. If so, Pls share your
experience with me and that would be very helpful for me to solve this


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