[omniORB] omniORB 4.0.3 and omniORBpy 2.3 available

Johan Cronje jcronje at dsp.sun.ac.za
Thu Nov 27 17:03:25 GMT 2003


I attach a working init script for SuSE. Had to modify it somewhat to
"fit in" with the SuSE boot concept. If you can / want to include it in the
omniORB distribution, do so, but if it is not desirable / possible, I am
willing to be the "SuSE RPM Package Maintainer" and build RPM's and sort out
boot script stuff in the future.

I have also found out that SuSE uses insserv i.s.o. chkconfig to configure
boot scripts - and have attached the final version of my spec file that takes
this into account. Also look for insserv settings in the omniNames script.

Oh yes, the final (fully functional) SuSE RPMs are available now - go to


for them.

Best Regards,
"There is beauty in simplicity"		-- Johan Cronje
Johan Cronje
Digital Signal Processing / Telecommunications Group
Electrical and Electronic Engineering Department
University of Stellenbosch
GNUPG Key: http://www.dsp.sun.ac.za/~jcronje/jcronje.asc
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Summary: Object Request Broker (ORB)
Name:    omniORB
Version: 4.0.3
Release: 1.SuSE
License: GPL / LGPL
Group:   System/Libraries
Source0: %{name}-%{version}.SuSE.tar.gz
# omniORB.cfg is a (possibly modified) version of sample.cfg in the omniORB distro.
Prefix: /usr
Prereq: /sbin/chkconfig /sbin/ldconfig
URL:            http://omniorb.sourceforge.net/
#Provides:       corba
BuildRequires:  python glibc-devel openssl
Buildroot:      %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-root
Packager:	Johan Cronje
Distribution:	SuSE Linux

%{name} is an Object Request Broker (ORB) which implements
specification 2.6 of the Common Object Request Broker Architecture
(CORBA). Contains the libraries needed to run programs dynamically
linked with %{name}.

This RPM is built for the SuSE Linux distribution, but is not
supported by SuSE Linux.
# servers

%package -n %{name}-servers
Summary: Utility programs
Group:          Development/C++
Requires:       %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
Provides:       libomniorb-servers = %{version}-%{release} %{name}-servers = %{version}-%{release}

%description -n %{name}-servers
%{name} CORBA services including a Naming Service.

%package -n %{name}-bootscripts
Summary: Utility programs
Group: Development/C++
Requires: %{name}-servers = %{version}-%{release} %{name}-utils = %{version}-%{release}
Provides: %{name}-bootscripts = %{version}-%{release}

%description -n %{name}-bootscripts
Automatic starting of the %{name} CORBA Naming Service.

# utilities

%package -n %{name}-utils
Summary: Utility programs
Group:          Development/C++
Requires:       %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
Provides:       libomniorb-utils = %{version}-%{release} %{name}-utils = %{version}-%{release}

%description -n %{name}-utils
%{name} utility programs which may be useful at runtime.

# devel part of the bundle

%package -n %{name}-devel
Summary: Header files and libraries needed for %{name} development
Group:          Development/C++
Requires:       %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
Provides:       libomniorb-devel = %{version}-%{release} %{name}-devel = %{version}-%{release}

%description -n %{name}-devel
The header files and libraries needed for developing programs using

# docs and examples are in a separate package

%package -n %{name}-doc
Summary: Documentation and examples for %{name}
Group:          Development/C++
#Requires:       %{name} = %{version}

%description -n %{name}-doc
Developer documentation and examples.

%define py_ver        %(python -c 'import sys;print(sys.version[0:3])')


%setup -n %{name}-%{version}
#%patch0 -p1

./configure --prefix=%{prefix} --with-openssl=/usr

# We abuse the CPPFLAGS to pass optimisation options through.


# on SuSE, /etc/rc.d -> /etc/init.d/
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/init.d
cp sample.cfg $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/omniORB.cfg
cp etc/init.d/omniNames $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/init.d/
chmod a+x $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/init.d/omniNames
# install SuSE rc start script
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/sbin
ln -sf ../../etc/init.d/omniNames $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/sbin/rcomniNames

# man pages under /usr/share/man
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{prefix}/share/man/man{1,5}
cp -r man/* $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{prefix}/share/man

mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/var/log/omniNames
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/var/lib/omniMapper

# Rename catior to avoid naming conflict with TAO
mv $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{prefix}/bin/catior $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{prefix}/bin/catior.omni
mv $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%prefix/share/man/man1/catior.1 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%prefix/share/man/man1/catior.omni.1

[ -z $RPM_BUILD_ROOT ] || rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT

%post -n %{name} -p /sbin/ldconfig
%postun -n %{name} -p /sbin/ldconfig

%post bootscripts
/sbin/insserv omniNames

%preun bootscripts
/sbin/insserv -r omniNames
rm -rf /var/log/omniNames/*
rm -rf /var/lib/omniMapper/*

# main package includes libraries and copyright info
%defattr (-,root,root)
%config(noreplace) %_sysconfdir/*.cfg

%files -n %{name}-servers
%defattr (-,root,root)
%attr(644,root,man) %prefix/share/man/man1/omniNames*
#%attr(644,root,man) %prefix/man/man1/omniMapper*
# Thin substitute for standard Linux init script

%files -n %{name}-bootscripts
%defattr (-,root,root)
%config(noreplace) %_sysconfdir/init.d/*
%dir %attr(754,root,root) /var/log/omniNames
%dir %attr(754,root,root) /var/lib/omniMapper
%attr(744,root,root) /usr/sbin/*

%files -n %{name}-utils
%defattr (-,root,root)
%attr(644,root,man) %prefix/share/man/man1/catior*
%attr(644,root,man) %prefix/share/man/man1/genior*
%attr(644,root,man) %prefix/share/man/man1/nameclt*

%files -n %{name}-devel
%doc ReleaseNotes* readmes/*
%attr(644,root,man) %prefix/share/man/man1/omniidl*

%files -n %{name}-doc
%doc doc/* 

* Wed Nov 19 2003 Duncan Grisby <duncan at grisby.org> 4.0.3
- Merge contributed updates, bump version number.

* Fri Aug 08 2003 Thomas Lockhart <lockhart at fourpalms.org> 4.0.2
- Rename catior man page to match catior.omni binary name

* Wed Aug  6 2003 Duncan Grisby <dgrisby at apasphere.com> 4.0.2
- Bump version number.

* Tue Jun 10 2003 Duncan Grisby <dgrisby at apasphere.com> 4.0.2pre1
- Fix some text, bump version number, add init script, minor tweaks.

* Wed Feb 12 2003 Thomas Lockhart <lockhart at fourpalms.org> 4.0.0
- Rename catior to catior.omni to avoid name conflict with TAO

* Tue Oct 01 2002 Thomas Lockhart <lockhart at fourpalms.org> 4.0.0
- Track down changes in documentation for 4.0.0
- Omit patches required to build the previous beta

* Mon Jul 29 2002 Thomas Lockhart <lockhart at fourpalms.org> 4.0.0beta
- Separate out utility programs to manage name conflict for catior with TAO

* Wed Jul 03 2002 Thomas Lockhart <lockhart at fourpalms.org> 4.0.0beta
- Start from 3.04 spec files
- Strip workarounds from the spec file since 4.0 builds more cleanly
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