[omniORB] ORB::destroy() mandatory

Frederic Prin frederic.prin at silvaco.com
Tue Jan 27 14:41:47 GMT 2004

Hi all,

I use omniORB-4.0.3 and I'm facing a strange pb when existing my app.

I store my ORB in a CORBA::ORB_var mOrb member variable.
When exiting my app, after doing a shutdown(0), my programs either
deadlock (windows) or core dump (Solaris5.8, HPUX11) or abort

If I call mOrb->destroy() it works! My program exit with normal code.

My pb is that I can't always call mOrb->destroy(); 

My questions are:
1) Is it mandatory to call mOrb->destroy(); ?
2) Where can I find doc on how and why call destroy ?

I though the ORB_var automatically calls destroy when the reference
count == 0.

Thanks for your hints


-----Original Message-----
From: omniorb-list-bounces at omniorb-support.com
[mailto:omniorb-list-bounces at omniorb-support.com] On Behalf Of Lee,
Robert C.
Sent: samedi 24 janvier 2004 03:05
To: 'omniORB-list at omniorb-support.com'
Subject: [omniORB] timeout on location forwarded object reference

Why does a server time out when it fails to complete a call on an object
due to this problem:

omniORB: throw giopStream::CommFailure from
omniORB: Reverting object reference to original profile
omniORB: Invocation on a location forwarded object has failed. 86

Shouldn't it try to make the call on the original profile and then quit?
I have the clientCallTimeOutPeriod = 5000 so shouldn't have just quit
after 5 seconds?


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