[omniORB] SSL server authentication only

Ben Cullen Ben.Cullen at trema.com
Fri Jul 16 13:16:11 BST 2004

Hello All

Is it possible to use omniORB SSL to authenticate the server side only?
In other words, the client has a certification authority certificate
(which is used to authenticate the server), but it does not have a
client certificate. I found an old mail in the archive which suggests
that this configuration is not possible:

"I'm concerned about the client side certificate required for use of SSL

with omniORB.

We'd like to use SSL with omniORB with server side certificates.  I=20
understand that omniORB requires a client side certificate ..."

In addition:
*=09Is it possible to configure the cipher suite used for the SSL
*=09Is it possible to examine the contents of the server certificate
at the client?

Any information, tips, reading, etc would be most appreciated.

Thanks, Ben.

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