[omniORB] Strange IOR

Frederic Prin frederic.prin at silvaco.com
Fri Jul 30 11:36:55 BST 2004

Hi Sergei,
Thanks for your response, unfortunatly the machine on which this IOR had
been generated is still alive. I can even ping it (it atkes about 20us,
and my timeout is set to 2000ms).
but it has certainly be rebooted after the IOR had been generated
killing all running servers... I don't think it's the reason why the
narrow call throw a TRANSIENT__CallTimedout .
Furthermore, when I step into the _narrow call, and did step by step
debug, I found the line that generate the exception:

giopStream::CommFailure::_raise(CORBA::ULong minor,
    CORBA::CompletionStatus status,
    CORBA::Boolean retry,
    const char* filename,
    CORBA::ULong linenumber)
// cut...
  throw CommFailure(minor,status,retry,filename,linenumber);  // here
minor=0x41540008 or minor=0x41540002 

which is caught and rethrown as a TRANSIENT  exception (with same minor
code) by

omniObjRef::_invoke(omniCallDescriptor& call_desc, CORBA::Boolean
// cut...
CORBA::TRANSIENT ex2(ex.minor(), ex.completed());
 if( !_omni_callTransientExceptionHandler(this, retries++, ex2) )
   OMNIORB_THROW(TRANSIENT,ex.minor(),ex.completed());        // here
minor=0x41540008 or minor=0x41540002 
// cut...

What is strange is that if I step by step debug down to the throw
CommFailure, I get a correct minor code = 0x41540002 which is "Connect
failed "
But if I only put a breakpoint on the throw CommFailure line and wait
for the debuger to stop, I get a minor code = 0x41540008 which is "Call
timed out"
The pb is that my Name Service will become polluted by dangling
reference... and that my clients can no more discriminate a real dead
server from server blocked in a debugger or eavily loaded.
I do use omniORB-4.0.3 release snapshot. I will try soon the
If someone has another idea, I thank him in advance!
Thanks fro reading.

-----Original Message-----
From: omniorb-list-bounces at omniorb-support.com
[mailto:omniorb-list-bounces at omniorb-support.com] On Behalf Of Serguei
Sent: vendredi 30 juillet 2004 09:16
To: omniorb-list at omniorb-support.com
Subject: Re: [omniORB] Strange IOR

If the computer (on which this dead IOR has been generated) is switched
off then the
only way to terminate a remote call is the timeout. TCP/IP (and
therefore CORBA) can't 
tell anything apart from there were no reply in certain amount of time.
If you switch that machine on then most probably you will get another
minor code.


Frederic Prin wrote:

Hi all, 

I have some IOR registered on my Name Service that are dangling (the
corresponding server is dead). 
When a clients tries to resolve + _narrow it I catch a TRANSIENT
exception when trying to narrow (that is good) but with a bad minor code
= 0x41540008

Which is omni::TRANSIENT_CallTimedout ! 

Indeed, I do set a setClientCallTimeout() before the narrow call but
since the IOR points on a dead server the servant cannot be contacted so
I am expecting another minor code.

I tried to get more information on those IOR with catior but
unfortunatly it fails with a MARSHALL exception

	meije{ bin }:14 > catior

	Type ID: "IDL:ISmartView/SVInterface:1.0" 
1. IIOP 1.2 33024 ".... at ..TM....." <mailto:.... at ..TM.....>  

	Invalid stringified IOR supplied. 
(CORBA::MARSHAL: minor = MARSHAL_PassEndOfMessage) 

(I copy/paste the IOR from a kind of Name Service explorer (not of my
own) maybe it is wrongly displayed) 

Any ideas 


     Frédéric Prin          ) 
     Senior Software Engineer / 
          S I L V A C O      ( 
     Grenoble REsearch CEnter \ 
     Tel 04 56 38 10 33        ) 



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