[omniORB] NameService: eg3_impl.cc

Jon Dyte jon at totient.demon.co.uk
Tue Nov 9 22:14:18 GMT 2004

you are starting omniNames to listen on port 16000
in which case the InitRef should be 

If you still get problems run the eg3_impl with a high trace
level by passing in the commandline argument -ORBtraceLevel N
basically the higher the value of N the more logging you get.
It's all in the manual
# Tracing level
#     level 0 -  critical errors only
#     level 1 -  informational messages only
#     level 2 -  configuration information and warnings
#     level 5 -  the above plus report server thread creation and
#                communication socket shutdown
#     level 10 - the above plus execution trace messages
#     level 25 - output trace message per send or receive giop message
#     level 30 - dump up to 128 bytes of a giop message
#     level 40 - dump the complete giop message
#     Valid values = (n >= 0)


On Tuesday 09 November 2004 15:07, unixwrld wrote:
> These went the steps that I have followed:
> 1.- Set the enviroment variables OMNINAMES_LOGDIR & OMNIORB_CONFIG
> 2.- I Edited the omniorb.cfg. I uncomment and I put my hostname "linux72": 
> InitRef=NameService=corbaname::linux72
> 3.- Then I start the "omniNames -start 16000 &".    All right!
> 4.- Now, when I try to start eg3_impl, it show IOR by the screen and then
> it showed the message follow :  "Caught CORBA::SystemException." and the
> process stop.
> I don't understand!!!
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