[omniORB] Memory leak in cdrEncapsulationStream (cdrMemoryStream)

Harri Pasanen harri.pasanen at trema.com
Fri Oct 22 15:40:20 BST 2004


I'm strongly suspecting a memory leak in cdEncapsulationStream.
( cdrMemoryStream.cc,v   Revision  2003/02/17 01:24:04  

Because in cdrEncapsulationStream::getOctetStream it sets the 
pd_readonly_and_external_buffer = 1, the cdrMemoryStream destructor 
never releases pd_bufp.

Unfortunately, the collaboration between various classes here in 
sharing the pd_bufp pointer is convoluted enough, that I have yet to 
come up with a proper fix.

Following valgrind stack trace is what leads me to believe there is a 
leak.  The stack allocated cdrEncapsulationStream s in ior.cc_316 
seems to leak the pd_pufb.

==4131== 446720 bytes in 1747 blocks are still reachable in loss 
record 601 of 604
==4131==    at 0x1B907214: operator new[](unsigned) 
==4131==    by 0x1BC6A8CC: 
cdrMemoryStream::reserveOutputSpace(omni::alignment_t, unsigned) 
==4131==    by 0x1BC6A20E: cdrMemoryStream::cdrMemoryStream(unsigned 
long, bool) (cdrMemoryStream.cc:93)
==4131==    by 0x1BC6B45E: 
cdrEncapsulationStream::cdrEncapsulationStream(unsigned long, bool) 
==4131==    by 0x1BC27C46: IIOP::encodeProfile(IIOP::ProfileBody 
const&, IOP::TaggedProfile&) (ior.cc:316)
==4131==    by 0x1BC38B60: omniIOR::omniIOR(char const*, unsigned char 
const*, int) (omniIOR.cc:157)
==4131==    by 0x1BC35248: omni::createLocalObjRef(char const*, char 
const*, omniObjTableEntry*) (omniInternal.cc:1063)
==4131==    by 0x1BC59747: PortableServer::ServantBase::_do_this(char 
const*) (portableserver.cc:278)

As I said, there are so many different ways pd_bufp can be 
initialized, and shared, that my simple minded attempts for fixing 
have only broken it completely.  I'm actually tempted to make it a 
shared pointer...

For the moment I'll probably punt, and only fix it for ior.cc case, 
and see if it comes up elsewhere.


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