[omniORB] problem using naming service with bidir transport

Harri Pasanen harri.pasanen at trema.com
Fri Sep 17 12:04:59 BST 2004


I haven't yet looked in detail what is causing this, but if I had

clientTransportRule =		bidir,tcp

and omniNames running at

In my application I'm getting occasionally, but not systematically:

Caught system exception COMM_FAILURE,
unable to contact the naming service.: Unknown error 1096024071

Looks like by removing the bidir policy from the rule, it never fails.

My app's POA has the bidir policy set.

nameclt never fails, no matter what the rule policy is.   But I 
suspect nameclt's  POA does not implement the bidir policy.

Does this ring any  bells for anyone, or should I look further?


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