[omniORB] Newbie Question: Heap Problems with VC++ 7

Markus Sabin msabin at digithurst.de
Mon Sep 5 09:35:56 BST 2005


thanks again for your reply, but I have already got it fixed with the 
help of Mike and Slawomir. Actually the VC7 zip is working as well as 
the sample files. The problem was mixed runtimes.



Duncan Grisby wrote:

>On Tuesday 23 August, Markus Sabin wrote:
>>I encounter strange behavior with omniorb 4.06. Especially, the
>>de-allocation of CORBA::String_var objects causes the debugger to
>>complain about invalid heap pointers. I have found a hint in the
>>mailing-list archive that the binaries have been built with VC++ 6 and
>>are incompatible with VC++ 7.  I could obtain a version
>>omniORB-4.0.6-win32-vc7.zip from sourceforge, but the readmes still
>>tell me that it contains VC6 binaries and the heap problems persist.
>You should get the vc7 version. Despite anything it says in the README
>files, it was definitely compiled with VC++ 7.
>Do the example programs work when you compile them with the provided

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